
Meet Anchal Sharma, a cancer survivor who has counseled 5,000 cancer patients to date

Mishkaat Imrani
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Anchal Sharma was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017, and now she feels it made her more positive and humble. During her treatment, she started an NGO for underprivileged children and an online platform dedicated to cancer patients.

What if we tell you about a girl who had to leave her studies due to her family's financial condition, was repeatedly sexually assaulted during her childhood, and fought for her sister's murder case? Finally, after a while, when everything was going slightly right, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Sounds challenging, right? But let us tell you more about this little girl who's now a motivational speaker and an inspiration for everybody who thinks their life is difficult. Her name is Anchal Sharma, and it was her birthday when she noticed a pear-sized lump on her breast in 2017.

"It was tiny back then, and my mother had it too. Hers was a fibroid, and I ignored it since our bodies are very similar. I had even got myself checked in the big hospitals in Delhi, and they all told me you don't get cancer at the young age of 32, it usually happens post 40 and so don't worry", said Anchal Sharma.

During the same period, Anchal had also started her homeopathy treatment for this tiny lump. But after it began to increase in size, she googled about the same and found out that the symptoms indicated cancer. " I told the homeopathy doctor about this, and he said it's not cancer. As he was so sure, I gave up on going for the mammography. A few days later, when I met a friend for some work, he was shocked to see my health. I then told him about the lump, and he cancelled his flight to Germany and booked an appointment with a doctor. We went to the hospital, and after examining my lump, the doctor immediately told us that it was 100% breast cancer", she said.

From fighting cancer to helping others fight!

Once Anchal was diagnosed with breast cancer, she started her treatment and decided to go for chemotherapy. It all happened during her brother's wedding, and so she had to keep it all to herself. She would go for her tests and routine check-ups during the day, return home, and prepare for the wedding. " It was tough as I hadn't told anybody about it. The day wedding got over, I finally told my family, and it left them in shock. The same day I went through surgery, and on the next day, my chemotherapy started. So I told everybody to stop treating me as if I am already dead and to support me", she added.

Anchal survived cancer, and her treatment did go very well. She feels it has made her more positive, and her life is now more meaningful. Anchal found her love during this time, and to ensure what had happened to her, never happens to anybody else, she started an online platform called CanHeal for cancer patients.

"We make special clothes for chemo patients and provide them with everything they need before and after treatment. It is not profitable, but I wanted to show that it's just a disease and that if I can come out of it, you can, too", she mentioned. Other than this, Anchal is also the founder of Meals of Happiness, an NGO that has helped over 45 Lakhs underprivileged children, and owns a small business that offers amazing clothes. She has counselled over 5000 cancer patients and keeps conducting workshops in hospitals.

Also Read: Vikrant Vig, a cancer warrior who is feeding other cancer patients and their families

"Everybody should self examine themselves"

Anchal Sharma is a ball of positivity and motivation. Even after what all happened to her, she remained positive throughout every difficulty. But the only thing she regrets is being unable to diagnose her cancer.

"We are at the stage where we don't have much awareness about this disease. No woman takes her symptoms seriously, and we are generally very much scared of cancer. It's a good thing to get it diagnosed at an early stage. A mammogram doesn't damage your body and is not even painful. And so everybody should self examine themselves", she stated.

Childhood trauma and much more

But it's not just cancer that Anchal has survived but also the sexual and domestic abuse she had to fight. Her childhood was terrible, with her father being an alcoholic who used to beat her mother, she was also repeatedly sexually assaulted by her relatives, which traumatized her, and she still finds it difficult to sleep peacefully. Her husband physically abused her for a long time, after which she filed for a divorce. In between all this, she was even fighting for her sister's murder case and was able to send her assassin for lifetime imprisonment. And cancer happened to her when she was finally stable and looking for a bright future. But even after all this, she believes life is beautiful and never gives up.

"There used to be days when we would not have anything to eat. My family and I weren't privileged, so it's god's grace that I have come a long way. So I always count my blessings. I am a motivational speaker, have my own company, and an amazing partner. Cancer taught me a lot, and I have become more positive. I live my life to the fullest, and there's no tomorrow for me. I feel today is everything", she mentioned while smiling.

Also Read: Check these cancer care NGOs in India that are helping the poor with cancer treatment and a lot more!

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