
Rap it Up with India's first Comedy Rapper, MC Sid!

Local Samosa
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Rap it Up with India's first Comedy Rapper, MC Sid!

MC Sid is a one of a kind freestyle rap artist and has been a VJ with Channel on the show Channel VJ Freshers. Sid has performed in the capacity of an Emcee and opened the shows at weddings for celebrity artists like AKON, Mob Deep, Sukhbir, Mika, Honey Singh, Badshah, Salim & Sulaiman, and many more. 

And, all is not only fun and games; MC SID’s also pretty good at helping you catching feels through his website for epic stuff, aptly titled, so that you can express what you really feel the EPIC way!

Can you tell us a little about your journey from Siddharth Sood to MCSid? What inspired you to become a comedy rapper?

Well, I tried imitating Eminem and rapping his songs after my tuition classes to a bunch of girls and they found it cute. That was the turning point! I was like this is a sure-shot way to impress! I'm gonna try this seriously! I wasn't very good as a rapper singing sad songs - so decided and this is one of my life lessons - I decided to be myself and have fun with the raps I make! Hence the Comedy Rapper was born! 

The decision of taking up rapping as a career, was it daunting?

Very! I had to fight tooth and nail and my parents forced me to do an MBA and only after that did they stop worrying that I was ruining my life!


The moment you realized you have arrived?

The day I got an air ticket with the name: MC SID - instead of Siddharth Sood - I  went to the Air India counter and told them - Sir this is my Rapper name, will you let me fly I can show you this is my name on Google, and they let me board the flight!

How did you enter the Indian Wedding scene with your witty raps?

Purely by mistake! A person walked up to me at a party where I was performing and asked - will you do this act at a wedding - I replied " I'll do it in your bathroom if you pay me! " Since then Jigarh Shah and I have been friends and done soo many shows since 2007! 

Who is your favorite Indian rapper and comedian?

Indian Rapper by far has got to be Apache Indian! He was the man who started it all even before Rap existed in India! He should be regarded as the Father of Indian rap! Comedian + rapper there is Baba Sehgal! He is brilliant and his comeback is like a story that deserves its own Netflix Series! 

Which one is your all-time cherished rap?

There is a song called - Stan by Eminem - That was the song he sang at the Grammy Awards that won sooo many awards - I have never gotten over that song and truly find it to be majestic! 

Can you share your fondest experience of rapping, MC Sid?

Yes, the first time I performed at a star-studded wedding and some of the most prominent movie stars came up and appreciated my work - that's when I met Sukhbir < oh ho ho fame! duh ! > and have been quite good friends with him since - he even came for my wedding! 


How do you spend your time when not writing sets or busy with work?

I chill with "Joey Ji" my senior citizen 10-year-old Beagle Dog at home and listening to music from across the globe!

Other than being an emcee and rapping, what else do you enjoy?

I love irritating my wife when she is watching Big Boss! I hate Big Boss and she loves it!  I also love listening to Audiobooks and Podcasts - this is my favourite hobby!

Tell us how did you connect yourself with Epic Stuff and Epic Quotes?

Well, I had a simple idea - I loved collecting quotes and decided to start making a small collection of quotes, which back in 2016 was a fun thing to do and then it just exploded and at some point, I figured why not merge it with Epic Stuff and make some products which have these Epic Quotes on them!


What is about Delhi you love the most?

The Butter Chicken! I have travelled everywhere in India and trust me when I say this - Delhi has the Best Butter Chicken in the world. Period.

What are some of your favorite local spots to visit in Delhi? 

I am a very old school person- I basically love going to clubs - so my panchsheel club is my favourite - it's cheap, it's fun to chill in the garden and during the lockdown, it has been really great to spend soo much quality time with my family and friends there. 

Check out his profile here!

Also Read: E-meet Tanmaya Bhatnagar, an emerging Indie music artist, popular for her soulful tracks!

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Siddharth Sood mc sid indian rapper artist indian comedy rapper epic stuff quotes founder Epic stuff founder comedy rapper