A heartbreaking video of an elderly couple who are unable to run their Dhaba amidst the pandemic has gone viral. This old couple who's ages are around 80 strive to earn their living by selling a very basic meal of Dal, Chawal, Matar Paneer at a very reasonable amount at their Baba ka Dhaba in Delhi. But, due to the pandemic, they are unable to sell their offerings and earn.
The video was shared by Gaurav Wasan and within a few hours got viral. Therefore, we request you to help them as much as possible. They sell opposite Hanuman Mandir, Malviya Nagar, Delhi.
Many people came out to support them, including famous cricketers and celebrities.
Here is how Netizens are helping them:
Paying for the food to encourage people to visit:
Becoming A Waiter
Baba's Message
Overwhelming response
Many people have come out to support the couple from Baba ka Dhaba.
Hoping if we all could channelize our help for more such local stalls and businesses to help them sustain.
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