
A kadak letter filled with loads of love and sugar to our warm Chai!

Simran Dhamija
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A kadak letter filled with loads of love and sugar to our warm Chai!

Chai is not just like any other drink in India but it is an emotion that is deep-rooted in almost everyone here. India is land to diverse options for chai, one can find different varieties starting from Kashmir to Kanyakunmari. Now that Chai is so important to us, we thought why not express our gratitude with this letter full of love to chai. Grab yourself a garma garam cuppa of some chai as you read along this letter to chai!

letter to chai


Dear Chai,

I can spill words but they will fail to express what you mean to me.

If we talk about daily rituals then I am sure you will top the list. Waking up to your first sip to doing rounds of chai in the office. You have been with me in my health and my sickness. You are part of my celebrations with family, you are part of my loneliness. Oh, my chai how much I miss fighting over an extra sip of you with my friends, and colleagues. Now toh I miss serving you to the guests also.

I miss chaiwalleh bhaiya brewing my kadak chai on high flame in a large stove while I stand by and cherish the aroma of you and then finally catch the view of you being poured down in my cutting chai glass, brown and thick, while ‘Ek garam chai ki pyali ho’ plays in the background.

Chai, high time now, tell me what is your secret magic? Sometimes you come to me as kadak chai, or adrak wali chai, tulsi chai, noon chai, masala chai, Kashmiri kahwa, tandoori chai, lebu chai and so many options each better than the other.

And when I decided to lose some weight you come to me and whisper it’s Green Tea time. Don’t you think you are too good to be true?

You are a Necessi-Tea. To me you are not just a normal drink, you are emotion. You gave me warmth in winter, you were an energy booster in summer, you have been a companion in spring, you absorbed my tears in monsoon. Thank you for being my constant.

I have savored you in a 5-star hotel with some biscotti, at home with garma garam pakode, samosa, vada pav, and paratha, to enjoying you at the roadside stall you are my best friend. And nothing can beat having you with Parle-G. But please stop dissolving it before I take it out of the cup.

And you are with me, while I write this letter to you. I had to have you to give the rustic brain some fuel to function.

So let me just pop the question, will you be my Kadak Adrak Wali Chai in a world full of Chai Tea?

With Love,

Chai Lover

Also Read: A letter of love to Vada Pav sprinkled with extra Lahsun Chutney!

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tea chai letter to tea letter to chai indian chai