
Books on Kabir Das to Revisit his Mystic Poems and Teachings!

Some writers have compiled the work of Sant Kabir and a few have translated some of his famous works to provide modern-day readers an insight into the poet's writings. This is a collection of some of the books on Kabir Das.

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Books on Kabir Das

We all refer to Kabir Das as Sant Kabir as he was known as a mystic poet and saint. He has inspired a rich collection of literary works exploring his profound teachings and spiritual insights. His poetry, known for its deep philosophical content and simple yet powerful expression, transcends religious boundaries and delves into themes of love, devotion, and the nature of God. We have encapsulated some books on Kabir Das as they offer a window into his life and thoughts, shedding light on his unique blend of Bhakti and Sufi traditions. These works not only preserve his timeless verses but also provide interpretations and analyses that make his wisdom accessible to contemporary readers. Whether one seeks spiritual guidance or a deeper understanding of Indian mysticism, the literature on Kabir Das serves as a valuable resource.

Bijak - Sant Indrani Saheb

Kabir Bijak

Bijak is the best known of the compilations of Kabir, and as such is the holy scripture for followers of the Kabir Panth sect. It is one of the earliest of the major texts in modern Bagheli (a Central Indo-Aryan language spoken in the Baghelkhand region of central India). It also has a number of folk songs switch as Vipramatisi, Vipramatisi, Kahara, Basant, Chachar, Beli, Birahuli, Hindola and Sakhi.  

Kabeer Granthavali (Sateek) - Shyam Sunder Das 

Kabeer Granthavali

Kabeer Granthavali is a bibliography of Kabir Das by Shyam Sunder Das. The first half of the book is well crafted on the life and teachings of Kabir interspersed with couplets of Kabir. The other half of the book consists of some of his great poems and teachings like Sakhi, Pad, Ramaini, and Padavali (221), in their pure forms.

Love Songs of Kabir - G.N. Das

Love Songs of Kabir

Kabir wrote a lot of poems on the teachings of life, God and love. Of them, a large number portray the prem - lila (love game) between the soul of man (Jivathma) and Paramathma (supreme soul) for their ultimate union signifying the salvation of the soul of man and also of the man concerned. This book features one hundred and one of the love songs of Kabir presented in simple lucid English free verse.

Selected Couplets from Sakhi in Transversion -  Mohan Singh Karki

Selected Couplets from Sakhi in Transversion

The book has some of the famous and important dohas from Kabir’s famous poem Sakhi. In the introductory part, there is a departure from a mass of Hindi criticism. The basis of the selection of dohas from the Sakhi are; Kabir's proverbial and worldly wisdom, analogy-finding gift, richness and variety of imagery, the recurrent theme of death, gift for satire, and rhetorical powers. The versification (four-line stanza form in loose lambic tetrameter lines) has an easy flow and almost parallels the flow of Kabir's dohas

Akath Kahani Prem Ki: Kabir Ki Kavita Aur Unka Samay - Purushottam Agarwal 

Akath Kahani Prem Ki

This book by Purushottam Agarwal asks the justification for describing fourteenth-fifteenth century Europe as moving towards modernity and all non-European societies as stuck in medievalism by Kabir. The same socio-economic processes that are credited with the rise of modernity in Europe, were similar processes going on in other societies of the world or not?

Maxims of Kabir - G. N. Das

Maxims of Kabir

Saint Poet Kabir was illiterate by choice. He was of the firm view that if one realises the value of the two letters of the alphabet R and M which make the name of Shri Rama there was no need to bother about the rest of the fifty - four alphabet which might as well be washed down the river as being of no value. But Kabir also emphasised that the true value of Shri Rama should be realised which will help man to realise the intrinsic value of God and ingrain true and deep love for the Lord and Kabir acted accordingly as he has shown in his songs and maxims which flowed from his lips in thousands. The maxims selected for this book though small in number being 160 show how deep and broad were his realisation.

Kabir Ki Kavita Aur Unka Samay Maxims of Kabir Kabir Das books on Kabir compilations of Kabir Love Songs of Kabir bibliography of Kabir Das Kabeer Granthavali Kabir’s famous poem Sakhi Couplets from Sakhi Kabir Ki Kavita