As of the last Lok Sabha elections of 2019, Samajwadi Party MP Shafiqur Rahman Barq was the oldest MP in India aged 93 years old while Chandrani Murmu of Biju Janata Dal (BJD) was the youngest at 30 years. However, these elections have got the country a few GenZ MPs again. As the country still awaits its new government, a few winners have already got laurels for themselves and the GenZ MPs are also a few of them! In the electoral structure where the average age of the candidates is said to be around 55, these GenZ MPs are being talked about for their prowess merely at the age of 25. Here are the GenZ winners out of the Lok Sabha Elections 2024.
Shambhavi Choudhary
Image Courtesy: The Indian Express
Coming from one of the politically active states of India, Bihar, Shambhavi Choudhary, a 25-year-old, defeated Sunny Hazari of the Congress by a substantial margin of over one lakh votes in Bihar's Samastipur constituency. Having studied at the prestigious Delhi School of Economics, Choudhary is a candidate from the Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) and the daughter of Ashok Choudhary, a part of the cabinet led by Nitish Kumar.
Sanjana Jatav
Image Courtesy: NDTV Rajasthan
Sanjana Jatav is a candidate of Congress who defeated Ramswaroop Koli of the BJP by a margin of 51,983 votes. The votes have led her to win the Bharatpur seat in Rajasthan. According to the reports, Jatav had attempted to Rajasthan's assembly elections in 2023 but was defeated by BJP candidate Ramesh Khedi, merely by 409 votes. Jatav is married to Kaptan Singh, a police constable from Rajasthan. This 25-year-old mother of two hails from the Dalit community. After the announcement of the results, Jatav was seen dancing to a Rajasthani song to celebrate the win, which went viral on June 4.
Priya Saroj
Image Courtesy: Aaj Tak
Belonging to the state of Uttar Pradesh which marked the comeback of both the Samajwadi Party (SP) and the Congress with the remarkable win of the number of seats, Priya Saroj is one of the youngest MPs from the Samajwadi Party. She won the UP's Machhlishahr seat by defeating sitting BJP MP Bholanath with an excess of 35,850 votes at age 25. Saroj is the daughter of three-time MP Toofani Saroj.
Pushpendra Saroj
Image Courtesy: Prabhat Khabar
Another seat win for the Samajwadi Party in Uttar Pradesh was brought in by the 25-year-old Pushpendra Saroj, a Samajwadi Party (SP) member. He defeated Vinod Kumar Sonkar, the current BJP MP in the Kaushambi Lok Sabha seat by a margin of 1,03,944 votes. He is the son of Inderjit Saroj, the former minister of UP, a five-time MLA, and national general secretary of the Samajwadi Party. Sonkar won this seat from Inderjit Saroj in the 2019 elections. However, Pushpendra Saroj, who entered politics after his graduation from Queen Mary University of London, got the seat to the SP again.