
Maharashtra and Gujarat Day Special: Similar Marathi & Gujarati Dishes with Different Names!

Irrespective of the diversification in the culture, celebrations and cuisines, Indian states find their way to mingle with each other in some way or the other. These similar Marathi and Gujarati dishes are a testament to that.

Hitanshu Bhatt
Updated On
New Update
Gujarat Day

Not only do Maharashtra’s and Gujarat’s statehood days fall on the same day but their cuisines also resemble many similarities. Where one dish is called Vedmi in Gujarati and Puran Poli in Maharashtrian cuisine but has almost similar tastes and cooking methods, it forms a marriage of two rich culinary cultures. Here are some Gujarati and Maharashtrian dishes that look, taste and smell almost similar but have different names. 

1. Khandvi in Gujarati and Surali Vadi in Marathi 

khandvi and surali vadi
Khandvi or Surali Vadi

This dish is a very soft and delicate snack prepared using besan (gram flour). The yellow layer of besan is filled with freshly grated coconut, dahi and finely chopped coriander. It is generally a bit sour and savoury to taste and the process of making it is difficult as thin layers of besan puree need to be rolled and that is how the word ‘Surali’ comes into the picture. It means to roll something or roll up in Marathi. 

2. Vedmi in Gujarati and Puran Poli in Marathi 

Vedmi and Puran Poli
Vedmi or Puran Poli

Generally known as puran poli in most regions of India, especially Maharashtra, this is yet another sweet dish that has different names but the same preparation methods in Maharashtrian and Gujarati cuisine. It is a sweet stuffed flatbread made with channa dal, jaggery, cardamoms and flour known as puran poli (a flatbread with stuffing in Marathi) in Maharashtra and vedmi in Gujarati. Other names for this sweet delicacy are Holige, Obbattu, Bobbattlu, Poley, Bakshamulu, and Boli.

3. Patra in Gujarati and Alu Vadi in Marathi 

Patra and Alu Vadi
Patra or Alu Vadi

Popularly known as Patra in Gujarat and Alu Vadi in Maharashtra, this is a chai-time snack made with Arbi ke patte (colocasia leaves). These leaves are smeared with sweet, sour and spiced besan paste or batter and stacked on top of each other. Once a set is ready, it is rolled and steamed till the leaves and the batter is cooked. This is followed by slicing the steamed rolls into thick spirals or pieces, which are then tempered with some basic spices and curry leaves and deep-fried or pan-fried. ‘Alu’ and ‘Patra’ mean Arbi leaves in Marathi and Gujarati respectively and hence the dish is simply known by these two names in these cuisines.  

4. Pitlu-Bhakri in Gujarati and Pithla-Bhakar in Marathi 

Pitlu-Bhakri or Pitla-Bhakar
Pitlu-Bhakri or Pitla-Bhakar

There is only a difference of a letter here in the name but apart from that these are both the same. Pithla or Pitlu is a curry made with besan (gram flour) and onions. A spicy base of ginger, garlic, green chillies and onions is cooked with gram flour and water until thick. Bhakar as known in Marathi or Bhakri as known in Gujarati is a thick flatbread made with wheat and is generally accompanied by pithla or pitlu.

5. Paunvaa in Gujarati and Pohe in Marathi

Paunvaa or Pohe
Paunvaa or Pohe

Maharashtrians call it pohe while Gujaratis call it paunvaa but this is one of the most preferred breakfasts in Western India. It is a dish made with flattened rice, spices, herbs, lemon juice and peanuts. Either onion or potato is added to it according to the taste and preference making it kande (onion in Marathi) pohe and kanda (onion in Gujarati) paunvaa if onion is added. 

6. Gughra in Gujarati and Karanji in Marathi 

Gughra or Karanji
Gughra or Karanji

Known by various names in different parts of India, this sweet dish is a fried snack stuffed with freshly grated coconut infused with cardamom, jaggery and raisins. In Maharashtra it is popular by the name Karanji and in Gujarati households, it is famously called Gughra. This sweet snack is consumed a lot during festivals and special occasions in these households and is generally known for its half-moon-like shape irrespective of the name in any region.

We would love to know more such similar dishes shared between both the cuisines. So, let us know!

Alu Vadi Patra Vedmi Surali Vadi Khandvi puran poli Karanji Gughra Pohe Paunvaa Pitla-Bhakar Pitlu-Bhakri