The talented actor, Vicky Kaushal, has played many versatile roles as Deepak in Masaan, Raghavan in Raman Raghavan, Kamlesh in Sanju, Govinda in Govinda naam hai mera, and many more. Like his roles, he is also known for his sometimes funky, sometimes classic outfits, and that's why here's a look into Vicky Kaushal's wardrobe and some of the brands that he has worn on various occasions.
1. 'Blood' by Huemn
This rough and colourful outfit worn by Vicky is from Huemn. It is from the 'Blood' collection, handcrafted by the artisans of Huemn. The look is rusty with brownish-black as a base colour and patches of tie-dye type multicolour. The roughly cut sleeves should not go unnoticed, as they add a funky vibe to the overall look.
2. Designer Blazer by Anamika Khanna
Black and a hoary print can never go wrong. This blazer worn by Vicky is from Anamika Khanna. She is a fashion designer and owns an eponymous label that believes in presenting Indian costumes in a modern way. The black blazer with silvery embroidery looks dazzling on the young man.
3. Magical Wilderness Collection by Nirmooha
Who would like to take their eyes off this gaudy look? The Lilac and Lime Green Colour Blocked Pantsuit worn by Vicky is from Magical Wilderness Collection by Nirmooh. The colors of this pantsuit are truly magical and every product from this collection is a splash of vivid colors. Vicky definitely looks like a charming boy in this outfit.
4. RGRK Embellished Bandhgala by Rohit and Rahul
Rohit Gandhi and Rahul Khanna are fashion designers and run a private label. Their designs are inspired by metallic tones amalgamated with modern, edgy elements. This Bandhgala worn by Vicky is an RGRK embellished Bandhgala, hand embroidered with tonal crystals that blend impeccably with the velvet luster.
5. Groove-Inspired Jacket by Amit Aggarwal
This asymmetric hand-woven polymer metallic colour-blocked jacket is paired with a metallic yoke shirt and hand-woven paneled classic trousers from Amit Aggarwal. Amit is a couturier known for his iconic and glamorous fashion-wear designs. The Manmarziyan man looks dashing in the contemporarily designed jacket inspired by the grooves (excess skin) of a whale.
6. Vivid Violet-Hued Suit by Falguni Shane Peacock
Vicky is serving a classy look in this violet suit. The violet-hued suit is from Falguni Shane Peacock, who specializes in feathers, sequence, and prints. This suit is simple yet elegant. The fine texture of the cloth makes it look royal and the colour catches the attention at first sight. Not to miss the pastel multicoloured pocket square.
7. Custom-Made Suit by 5th Gear Menswear
Some blues are never harmful. This shiny blue suit is custom-made by 5th Gear Menswear for Vicky Kaushal. The satin suit is perfectly styled with brown shoes and the combination can't go wrong. Vicky is slaying in this look and the pose just adds a plus point to it.
8. Botaneye Iconoscarf Resort Shirt with Haemo Resort Trousers by Shivan and Narresh
Some cool casuals in hot summer? Vicky just knows how to carry that look. The BotanEye Resort Shirt with some asymmetric designs and the Haemo Resort Trousers make for a comfortable and luxurious choice for resort and city looks. Shivan and Narresh are always known for their luxury holiday clothing, and our boy just shines in that look.
Do check these brands out if you loved the looks!Â