Initially, Yogesh Agarwal's oxygen bottling plant was providing oxygen to local hospitals and people in-home quarantine at Rs.1, but now they are doing it for free.
The acute shortage of oxygen has been one of the biggest issues of the second wave of Covid-19. Hospitals are running out of oxygen, and finding genuine sources has been extremely difficult. On the other hand, the ones that are available cost more than Rs 30,000. Seeing the terrible oxygen crisis in Delhi and North India, Yogesh Aggarwal decided to give oxygen cylinders at Rs.1. " We decided to give free cylinders, and free refilling. Initially, we were doing it at Rs.1, but now we are providing it for free", said Yogesh Agarwal.
Harimpur-based Rimjhim Ispat Ltd. is currently distributing 1600 to 2000 cylinders per day. The factory has helped many cities including Agra, Gurgaon, Noida, Ajmer, Aligarh, Ghaziabad, Aligarh, Jhansi, Lucknow, and more. It has successfully provided around 70,000 to 75,000 cylinders to date. " In the last 35 days, we distributed approximately 3,500 cylinders. The demand was high and was very surprising for us. We have filled around 1,000 cylinders alone for Noida which is 500 km away from their factory. People were reaching out to us from across the country", said Yogesh Agarwal.
"We have lost so many lives, and it is very unfortunate. It was a national emergency, and so we all had to come together. Being an oxygen-generating plant, we have the capability to serve the society. It would have been a great injustice if we made steel instead of helping people out. Thus, we reduced the production and cut off the profit. Our first priority has always been saving lives.", he added.
Local Samosa really appreciates the efforts of Yogesh Agarwal and his team at Rimjhim Ispat Ltd. for their amazing work. One can get in touch with them on this number: 9889843000
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