Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back. And we could not agree more!. One such example is the Women’s Self-Help Groups. They are leading from the front by making significant contributions to COVID response and community welfare. Women’s Self-Help Groups represents a section of society that has brought its collective strength to provide immediate relief.
In over 90% of India's districts, Women's Self-Help groups are combating misinformation, producing masks, delivering essentials and food supplies, running community kitchens, and sensitizing people about the importance of health and hygiene.
Face masks, the first shield against COVID-19 is in short supply. To meet these shortfalls in masks, SHGs members plan to produce masks worth six lakh meters of khadi fabric in Uttar Pradesh. In Kheri district, SHGs are working round-the-clock to produce PPE kits for frontline health workers and police personnel.
In Bihar, they are actively identifying and surveying vulnerable households. While in Jharkhand, SHGs are using mobile apps to sell vegetables, keeping social distancing norms in place while also running 24-hour helplines to provide information and counseling to returning migrants.
Odisha, which leads in fecal sludge and septage management in the country, recently began community management of sanitation facilities by engaging with Women SHGs. Allowing them a role and more participation in governance, the government of Odisha recently handed over operation and maintenance (O&M) of four Septage Treatment Plants (SeTPs) in the state to Women SHGs.
Also Read: Eat Healthy: Get home-cooked food delivery in Mumbai from these kitchens!
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